Diversity & Inclusion Officers

Appointed by, and reporting to, the Department Head (or designate) and in collaboration with the D&I Programme, the Diversity & Inclusion Officer acts as the departmental focal point for diversity and inclusion matters.

In particular, the Diversity & Inclusion Officer facilitates and reports on the implementation and progress of the departmental “25 by ‘25” Fitness Plan.

Current DIO for each department

Department Diversity & Inclusion Officer
Beams | BE Odd Oyvind Andreassen | Edda Gschwendtner
Engineering | EN Anna Suwalska | Stephan Petit
Experimental Physics | EP Adriana Telesca
Finance & Administrative Processes | FAP Laura Gina Dalla Palma | Reda Boubir
Human Resources | HR Priscilla Marinho Valavicius
Health, Safety and Environment | HSE Marc Nas
Industry, Procurement and Knowledge Transfer | IPT Sabrina El Yacoubi
International Relations | IR Jeff Wiener | Zornitsa Zaharieva
Information Technology | IT Catharine Noble | Jessy Sobreiro
Site and Civil Engineering | SCE Vincent Gilquin | Lucy Lockwood | Emeline Weymaere
Accelerator Systems | SY Maria Elena Angoletta
Technology | TE Paulo Gomes
Theoretical Physics | TH Valerie Domcke

Roles and responsibilities

  • In collaboration with the Departmental Planning Officer, DIO to ensure the department’s nationality and gender dashboards are up-to-date and accessible, strongly encouraging departmental supervisors to consult these dashboards prior to commencing a recruitment process.
  • DIO to present D&I-related updates to the management board, biannually.
  • DIO to serve as a communications channel to and from the D&I Programme:
    • In collaboration with the Departmental Training Officer, promote D&I-related learning offers and remind departmental personnel of well-being related benefits, such as flexible work arrangements;
    • Consult diverse personnel to gather insights on how to progress on D&I within the department;
    • Facilitate sharing of D&I-related ideas / challenges / feedback between the Department Head, management board and the D&I Programme.
    • DIO to attend DIO Network meetings chaired by the D&I Programme.

The initial duration from appointment is 2 years, renewable for a maximum total duration of 5 years.

DIO does not handle individual cases or complaints on diversity or inclusion-related grounds. The DIO may refer any individual concerned with such a matter to the department’s Human Resources Adviser.