Family Support

CERN's Social Affairs Service takes care of spouse and family-related support at CERN.

Such support includes includes child-care facilities (CERN and local area), spouse welcome, education etc.

For leave and other family rights, please see the relevant HR pages and the Your Life at CERN brochure.

Infant Feeding Room

A quiet and clean room is available, at the CERN Hostel, for parents who would like to breastfeed or express breast milk (bldg. 39), but also for pregnant people in need of a quiet place to rest. This room is located on the 1st floor of the building, the key has to be requested at the reception desk. Opening hours are from 8.30am to 4.30pm during week days, and 9am to 4.30pm during week-ends. The room is equipped with a comfortable chair, a water dispenser, a changing mat and easy access to electrical outlets. Please note the room is not equipped with a fridge.

For any request, please contact the CERN Hostel Reception (by email or by phone 74481).